Dante's Inferno - A Journey to the Center of the Earth
Inferno Cast
Inferno Narration
Infernal screenings
Infernal Gratitude
Infernal Trailer


Thank you for your interest in watching our trailer of Dante's Inferno film. Please keep in mind that the original title of this film has changed from Dante's Hell, which was its working title. Now that we are in the final process of post-production, we decided to use the final name for this highly expected hybrid film.

The color illustrations used in this documentary are from a new completely repainted 75-piece collection based on Dante's Inferno never seen before. An earlier version of 72-pieces, was introduced in the US at Comic Con 2014 in San Diego and later published in books now available in 33 languages.

The following is not a teaser trailer, but an actual preview of the whole 111-minute feature film of Dante's Inferno. One might ask why give the story away and not make a teaser trailer. Well, we don't need to tease you but prefer to give a good idea of what this film is really like, a powerful story about each one of us, a guide for our lives, and much more for you to discover about yourself, as Dante himself intended. Look for the square button on the bottom right corner to watch it in full screen.

This film features many clips from Dante's Hell Animated featuring the voices of Eric Roberts as Dante, Nia Peeples as Beatrice and Vincent Spano as Virgil, among other celebrities.

In addition, it features some clips from the legendary historic first Italian feature film L'Inferno, produced in 1911 and newly restored by us using the latest technology.

It is difficult to keep our fans current about the post-production process of this film since it is evolving constantly, particularly with the technological advancements of AI. So, the preview below is outdated, but the only one on YouTube. None of the actors seen have been replaced up to now. In the meantime, you can watch a more recent "trailer" of the film here:Dante's Inferno trailer.


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